System management



Gonvarri Material Handling Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Policy.

KREDIT management considers sustainable development as an essential aspect of good corporate governance and environmental, social and administrative aspects (ESG) as an integral part of our business activities. We consider responsible business decisions and actions to be a key element of our strategy.


In the context of the ESG perspective, we commit and support the following aspects of corporate governance:

  • High standards of business ethics and integrity
  • Zero tolerance for corruption and full compliance with applicable anti-bribery, fraud, money laundering and tax evasion laws
  • Compliance with applicable antitrust and competition laws
  • Respect for the legitimate interests of third parties we deal with in our business
  • Compliance with laws and regulations applicable wherever we do business
  • Compliance with relevant data protection principles in each country we operate in

Social / human rights

With regard to labour and human rights, we expect and support:

  • Awareness and respect of international human rights conventions
  • Safe and healthy working conditions
  • Avoidance of discrimination or harassment based on age, race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, disability, nationality, trade union activity or any other factor
  • Respect for the employee's right to freedom of association and collective bargaining in accordance with local labour laws
  • A "zero tolerance" approach to child labour and slavery in our business activities around the world; we do not tolerate slavery or child labour in our supply chain
  • Working time that complies with industry guidelines and national standards, if any, and should not be excessive
  • Recruitment and career progression based solely on individual merit
  • A workplace environment in which there is mutual trust and respect and where everyone feels responsible for the performance and reputation of our society

Strategy and objectives

The mission of KREDIT, part of the multinational group GONVARRI MATERIAL HANDLING, is to offer its customers world-class products while creating a quality and safe working environment for its employees. Being part of a multinational group involves ensuring high environmental, social and administrative standards (ESG). The purpose of this policy is to outline CREDIT's approach to responsible production and distribution of products, including how CREDIT works in capturing and managing ESG-related issues in all processes.

Customer orientation

Our customer satisfaction is the way to prosperity, so we are committed to:

  • Bring higher value of our products and services to customers than the competition
  • Maintain good relations with partners through decent, open and correct conduct and demeanour
  • In all activities and relationships with our trading partners, meet the requirements of legislation and other binding obligations


By focusing on good environmental practice, we advocate:

  • Continuous reduction of negative environmental impacts of our activities
  • Preventing the occurrence of accidents with an impact on the environment
  • Care for the environment, greater understanding of environmental issues and dissemination of best practices to our partners
  • Compliance with relevant local and international environmental standards and legislation
  • Energy efficiency and sound management of resources
  • Active monitoring and minimisation of the environmental impacts of our activities
  • Design of products that minimise the environmental impact during their disposal at the end of life

Health & Safety

The image of our society is also shaped by an active approach to health and safety at work. We follow the following principles as part of the implementation of the company's contracts and operations:

  • Comply with all legislation and other related regulations to which the company is subject in the field of occupational health and safety
  • Implement measures to eliminate hazards and reduce risks of OSH
  • Effectively prevent accidents and injuries to workers, the occurrence of accidents with a potential impact on the life or health of workers
  • Encourage workers to comply with the principles of health and safety, create the conditions for their participation in building, and improve the OSH system
  • Create the conditions to raise the level of work culture and overall working well-being
  • In the area of worker health and safety, be transparent with the public

In order to implement this policy, the management of the company is committed to continuousimprovement of the management system and fulfilment of all requirements related to it. All employees of the company are expected to follow the established procedures and rules rigorously, have a high level of discipline and take an active approach in providing incentives for improvement.